Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Term 3 Maths Inquiry

I have a group of Year 5's who are working below or well below the National Standards for Maths. Four of them who are well below - working at Stage 4 - have been picked up by Roz in order to give them a push towards Stage 5.
This leaves four who are working at Stage 5.

I have chosen this four for my Inquiry group this term, with the aim to jump start their multiplicative thinking and get them to Stage 6. A couple of them are nearly there, so with this extra time given to them each day, I am hoping for some solid Stage 6 thinking by the end of the year.

Strategies to try:

  • 5x table not locked in - quick fire flash cards
  • visual learners? - materials, materials, materials
  • Began arrays towards end of last term - revisit arrays
  • The Multiplier  - drawing them ourselves and online activities (Digistore)

Personal Goal - To timetable this Inquiry time into my daily timetable. I have not been very successful with this previously. I am doing it properly this term!

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